Furnace Transformer Manufacturer
Furnace Transformer Manufacturer

Indianservocontrols’s VPI Dry Type Transformers are vacuum pressure impregnated with a high temperature polyester varnish. The process includes complete submersion in varnish under vacuum and pressure and regulated curing through PLC controlled equipment to ensure consistency. The finished coils are effectively protected against moisture , dirt and most industrial contaminants.
High Class H rated insulation products such as Nomex, Kapton and Glass Tape etc are used for the insulating materials . The design and construction of the windings together with the VPI treatment of the winding ensures that it is electrically sound as well as mechanically strong resulting in reduction of risk of explosion or danger of fire. The consumers prefer these Transformers for use in Basements or Stilts of High Rise Buildings, Hospitals, Hotels and Shopping Malls etc.
Indianservocontrols’s Dry Transformers are enclosed in sheet steel enclosure and are totally maintenance free .These are Eco friendly Transformers there is no oil used in it, hence no chances of oil leakage or spillage.
These Transformers are pocket friendly too apart from being Eco friendly as the windings in these VPI Transformers can be removed and repaired which is not feasible in case of Cast Resin Transformers.
Indianservocontrols’s manufacturing range of Dry Type Transformers is up to 2500 KVA rating & 11KV class With Off Circuit Tap Links ( OCTL) as well as On Load Tap Changer ( OLTC )